• Shorter Lessons

    Crisply taught in short bursts to aid concentration and retention

  • Regional Languages

    Jump a step ahead, learn directly in your mother tongue

  • Learn from Natives

    See, hear and learn from native speakers.

Build a better Future in Germany

Learn German and embrace the opportunities: Open doors and explore opportunities with German language skills in Germany

This language learning opportunity has the potential to be life-changing. With the shortage of workers in various fields, including healthcare and engineering, learning German is your key to opening up doors and opportunities in Germany. It’s time to take advantage of this opportunity and let Germany open its doors to you. Come and learn the language, come to Germany!

- Aparna Bose, Founder

Come to Germany, to the land of ideas.

Unlock Opportunities with German Language Skills: Meet the Demand for Skilled Workers in Germany

Fulfill the Demand for Workers in High-Demand Fields like Healthcare and Engineering

The German government and industries are calling for more immigration and skilled workers to help overcome the current shortage. By learning German, you can open up doors and opportunities in Germany, where there is a demand for workers in various fields, including healthcare and engineering.

Accelerate Your Career in Healthcare: Learn German and Tackle the Nursing Shortage

Join the Fight against the Nursing Shortage in Germany with German language skills

The German Nursing Council (DPR) has noted the impact the shortage of workers has had on the healthcare sector, with more than 200,000 nursing jobs currently unfilled. By learning German, you can advance your career in healthcare and join the fight against this shortage. With higher German language skills, you will have better integration into the German labour market and potentially higher salaries.

Christine Vogler, head of the German Nursing Council (DPR), said the new mandate would hit a sector already suffering staff shortages two years into the pandemic, with more than 200,000 nursing jobs currently unfilled. (Source: 🔗 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/staff-shortage-concerns-challenge-germanys-vaccine-mandate-2022-02-21/)

Engineer Your Future Success: Take Advantage of the Booming Demand for Engineers in Germany

Prepare for the Future with German Language Skills: Over 100,000 Engineers Needed in Germany Over the Next 10 Years

The CEO of the VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik), Ansgar Hinz, has stressed that over the next ten years, Germany will need significantly more than 100,000 young engineers. With retiring engineers, the demand is even higher. By learning German, you can gain an edge over the competition and take advantage of the growing demand for engineers in Germany. (Source: 🔗 https://www.hannovermesse.de/en/news/news-articles/increasing-shortage-of-electrical-and-electronic-engineers-in-germany)

"They have a shortage, and we have an opportunity. An opportunity for a better life."

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